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Max Steiner - Casablanca (Soundtrack) mp3

Genuri: Soundtrack

Format: mp3

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Audio: Engleza / Instrumentala

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[ Imagine ] 2013-01-26, 21:07
Max Steiner - Casablanca (Soundtrack)

Track list

01. Main Title / Prologue (Africa-La ...) [Medley]
02. It Had to Be You / Shine [Medley]
03. Knock on Wood - Dooley Wilson
04. Rick and Renault (Underscore: The Very Thought Of You)
05. Arrival of Ilsa and Victor at Rick's (Underscore: Love For Sale)
06. Play It Sam... Play 'As Time Goes By'(Underscore: Avalon / As Times Goes By)
07. Of All the Gin Joints in All the Towns in All the World...
08. Paris Montage [Medley]
09. At la Belle Aurore [Medley]
10. Ilsa Returns to Rick's
11. Die Wacht Am Rhein / La Marseillaise [Medley]
12. Ilsa Demands the Letters
13. Rick Confronts Ilsa and Laszlo
14. Airport Finale / -Here's Looking at You, Kid

Supplemental Material:

15. Shine-It Had to Be You [Alternate Orchestral Version][Medley]
16. Dat's What Noah Done [Outtake] - Dooley Wilson
17. Knock on Wood [Alternate Version] - Dooley Wilson
18. Ilsa Returns / As Times Goes By [Medley]
19. Laszlo / As Time Goes by-Orders-Die... [Medley]
20. As Time Goes (Complete Vocal) - Dooley Wilson

Categorie: Soundtrack | Adăugat de: Zganarel | Tag-uri:
Vizualizări: 929 | | Comentarii: 1
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