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Richard Hartley - A Thousand Acres (Soundtrack) mp3

Genuri: Soundtrack

Format: mp3

Marime: 40 MB

Audio: Instrumental

Subtitrare: -

[ Imagine ] 2012-08-21, 12:41
Richard Hartley - A Thousand Acres (Soundtrack)

Track list

01. Main Title
02. That's The Plan
03. The Farm Divided
04. That Deaths Head Stone
05. The Past Unfolds
06. Ginny And Jess
07. The Long Drive Home
08. Maybe You Have, Maybe?
09. Waiting For Daddy
10. The Storm
11. Rose Reveals The Truth
12. Ginny Daydreams
13. The Family Divided
14. I Love You Jess
15. The Brown Coat
16. Take Care Of The Children
17. The Trial
18. A Dollar An Acre
19. I Was A Ninny
20. Ginny And Rose

Categorie: Soundtrack | Adăugat de: Zganarel | Tag-uri:
Vizualizări: 1399 | | Comentarii: 0
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