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Le Samouraï (1967) 1080p.BluRay. mp4
[ Imagine ] | 2023-12-09, 09:24 |
Le Samouraï (1967) Regia: Jean-Pierre Melville Scenariul: Joan McLeod, Jean-Pierre Melville, Georges Pellegrin Distriburia: Alain Delon as Jef Costello François Périer as the Commissaire Nathalie Delon as Jane Lagrange, Jef and Wiener's girlfriend Cathy Rosier (credited as Caty Rosier) as Valérie, the pianist at Martey's Jacques Leroy as "The Man on the Bridge", a hitman working for Rey Michel Boisrond as Wiener, Jane's wealthy boyfriend Robert Favart as the bartender at Martey's, who is a witness at the lineup Jean-Pierre Posier as Olivier Rey, who has Martey killed Catherine Jourdan as the hatcheck girl at Martey's, who is a witness at the lineup Roger Fradet as a police inspector who works for the Commissaire Carlo Nell as a police inspector who works for the Commissaire Robert Rondo as a police inspector who works for the Commissaire André Salgues as the man in the garage who gives Jef his contracts André Thorent as the policeman disguised as a taxi driver who follows Jef when he is released from custody Jacques Deschamps as the policeman at the microphone during the lineup Georges Casati as Ange Séraphin Damolini, the first suspect in the lineup Jack Léonard as Juan Garcia, the second suspect in the lineup Pierre Vaudier as the policeman who bugs Jef's apartment Maurice Magalon as the partner of the policeman who bugs Jef's apartment Gaston Meunier as the head waiter at Martey's, who is a witness at the lineup Jean Gold as a customer at Martey's who is a witness at the lineup Georges Billy as a customer at Martey's who is a witness at the lineup Ari Aricardi as a poker player Guy Bonnafoux as a poker player Humberto Catalano as a police inspector Carl Lechner as a suspect who looks very similar to Jef Maria Maneva as "the girl with chewing gum" who follows Jef in the subway Descriere: Filmul este povestea lui Jef Costello, un ucigas profesionist prezentata frust, si a luptei sale silentioase pentru supravietuire. Jef Costello este angajt ca sa-l ucida pe patronul unui local de jazz. Misiunea este indeplinita, dar problemele de abia incep. In ciuda unui alibi bine construit, Costello este considerat un prim suspect de catre comisarul care ancheteaza cazul. Una din pianistele localului, Valerie, care initial confirmase alibiul "samuraiului", se "intoarce", depunand o alta marturie care, de data aceasta, il acuza. Jeff Costello nu intelege de ce pianista si-a schimbat depozitia. Intr-o maniera teatrala si aparent prosteasca, eroul revine in localul de jazz la o ora de maxima audienta si indreapta revolverul, in vazul tuturora, spre Valerie, indicind clar intentia sa de a o ucide in public. Politia, care tinuse localul sub observatie directa, intervine "oportun si decisiv" salvind (aparent) viata pereclitata a pianistei. In final, se dovedeste nu numai ca arma era descarcata, dar nici macar nu fusese vreodata folosita. A contribuit la sinopsis-ul filmului: psihologu (Cinemagia) Part 1 Part 2 | |
Categorie: Crima | Adăugat de: tamango248 | Tag-uri: | |
Vizualizări: 613 | | Comentarii: 4 |
Total comentarii : 4 | |
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